
Showing posts from May, 2018

What do Dreams Really Mean?

What do Dreams Mean? Jk000 Do dreams really mean anything in specific? Not really, but here are 5 common dream symbols that scientists think have specific meanings. ¿Los sueños realmente significan algo específico? No necesariamente, pero aquí son 5 símbolos comunes de tus sueños que los científicos piensan que tienen significanzas especificas.  1. Falling: 1. Cayendo Falling in a dream can represent that you are worried about a current situation in your life, and you might be trying to let go of that specific situation.  Cayendo en un sueño puede representar que estas preocupado con una situación ocurriendo en tu vida, y tal vez estás tratando de dejar ir  a esa situación específica. 2. Being late: 2. Siendo tarde This might mean that you are worried about a new turn your life is taking, whether it be moving to a new country or going to middle school.  Esto puede significar que estás preocupado con un nuevo camino en tu vida, tal vez que sea moviendo a un nueve país...

The Bible Versus other Theories (part one)

Lots of people believe in theories that are backed up by science, but even the very popular theories have their problems like the Big Bang theory.    I bet you guys have heard of Darwin's theory of evolution, but if you didn't, it pretty much says that we came from monkeys. One problem is that if you take away and add different cells, like evolution says, lets just say that you wouldn't be reading this right now. I couldn't really find that much of proof that evolution is fake, but it needs to have billions of years to work. If the world was millions of years old, the magnetic field would get too strong ,if that happened everything on earth would be dead. Scientists have found oxygen in rocks and these rocks would slowly be releasing oxygen to the air and after millions of years would of been losing air and there would be no more oxygen in the rocks. The scientists found Dinosaur tissue and cells in a Tyrannosaurus Rex. They said that those fossils dated back to...

Introduction to Alchemy: Alchemy Part One

Alchemy is the form of turning something of less value into something of more wealth. For example turning lead into silver or copper into gold. Alchemy also is the art of discovering cures to diseases and immortality. Alchemists look to the stars, like astronomists, but as astronomy focuses on the relationship of the stars to man, alchemy focuses on the relationship of the stars to terrestrial life. Alquimia es la forma de tener algo de menor valor y convertir en una cosa de más valor. Por ejemplo, convertir plomo a plata o convertir cobre a oro. También, alquimia es la arte de descubriendo curas para enfermedades y descubriendo vida enterna. Alquimistas también miran  a las estrellas, pero en vez de enfocar en la relación de las estrellas a los humanos, como los astrónomos, alquimia enfoque en la relación de las estrellas a toda la vida en la planeta Tierra.  Flora Glossary/Glossaria amalgam/amalgama - mercury mixed with another mineral or element/mercurio...

Dreams and Lucid dreaming

Dreams and lucid dreams Sueños y sueños lúcidos Although we've all had dreams, many of us don't know what they really are, where they come from, and what they mean. This article is the first of 3 articles about dreams. Read on to find out what dreams really are. Aunque todos hemos tenido sueños, mucho de nosotros no sabemos lo que que realmente son, de dónde vienen, y qué significan. Este artículo es el primero de 4 artículos sobre los sueños. Sigue leyendo para saber lo que los sueños realmente son. What even are dreams? Dreams are stories and images that your brain creates while you sleep, which you probably already knew. The most vivid, or real-seeming dreams, occur during REM sleep, which stands for rapid eye movement. This is when the brain is most active. There is no way of telling exactly what you are going to dream, whether it be walking along in a field with unicorns, kittens, and butterflies, or getting chased by a grizzly bear. There is almost no guarantee of what yo...


Macromolecules What are Macromolecules? Macromolecules are large molecules (which are the smallest unit of something). For example a water molecule is the smallest substance that is still water.  The four main macromolecules in a cell (the cell needs them to keep functioning properly and keep it alive) are Nucleic acids, Proteins, Carbohydrates, and Lipids. In these parts we will be covering the components of macromolecules and answering questions. Macromolecules are made when elements join together to make a macromolecules. What are Proteins? Proteins are a nutrients found in food. Proteins build, maintain, and replace tissue. Tissue is a family of cells that live very close together, and work hard to do the same job in your body. Your muscles, organs, and your immune system are made mostly up of proteins. The best sources of proteins are beef, poultry, fish,eggs, dairy products, nuts, seeds, and legumes like black beans and lentils. Qué son las macromoléculas? Las macromoléculas ...